Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Iowa Mini-Con and sketchbook pages

The Iowa Mini-Con was last Sunday. It was a smaller show, but I had a really good time and met some really great people. I did more sketches at this con than I've ever done at a con previously, which was flattering, but I'd much rather spend my time talking to people and harassing other creators.

Here are some pages from the sketchbook I quickly threw together before the con.


Kevin Mc Namara said...

hey dude,i your really love your style man seriously keep it up! amazing work. im studying animation, in my third year but would love to do comics! any real advice dude? steps to take, exercises? helpful books, sites! anything that helped you, info, tips and help ya wish you had gotten when you started! it would be great to get some mentoring, real guidance or anything!...sorry to harass you, but again great great work man!

Loren Meyer said...

Thanks Kev!
The best (and probably most generic) advice I can give you is to "expect to get back what you put in". The great thing about drawing is that the more you practice the better you get. If you draw an hour a week you can expect to progress at that pace, if you draw 3 hours a day you'll progress at a higher pace.
-draw from life
-draw small 30 second thumbnail gesture drawings until you fill up a page
-spot your weaknesses artistically and then kick it's ass
-set and meet deadlines for yourself
-spend less time talking about things you want to do and actually doing things you want to do
-be your biggest fan and your worst critic
-realize everyone has bad days drawing and don't let frustration stop you
-at the beginning of the week make a list of what you want to accomplish that week, then bust your ass to finish everything that's on the list by the end of the week
-don't be afraid to fail
-stay positive, thinking negatively helps you accomplish nothing outside of creating more obstacles for yourself

The Books I got the most out of:
-How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way
-Andrew Loomis (google,I think there maybe some on-line pdf's)

There's a ton of resources and tutorials on the net as well.

Take everything I've said with a grain of salt, I'm still learning everyday and I consider myself light-years behind the artists I look up to.