Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Experimental and misc. panels

Just some experimental pieces some are all digital, one photo manip, and a couple of miscellaneous panels.

I'm going to try an update this blog at least weekly and I could really use some suggestions for content, so let me know what you want to see!

3 comments: said...

Love your art!! I would love to see more of what you are working on as well as updates when your stuff is published. Met you at Limited Edition Comics in CF last month. I just got the Harvey Dent sketch you gave me framed. It looks great. Thanks again!

Ryan Genovese said...

Awesome work! As far as suggestions for content... I would really dig seeing more sketches, some behind the scenes type stuff, just more art in general, and updates on Blood Hunter. Again, congratulations on winning the Zuda competition. I wish you more success in the future!

Loren Meyer said...

Chris!!! Thanks man, I'm really happy you liked the sketch and I had a blast talking to ya.

Ryan, thank you! I'll definitely post some production stuff and alot of more art.

Thanks guys!
